Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Skate the Coast, Boarding for Breast Cancer

SKATE THE COAST!! Boarding for Breast Cancer!! Longest practice day eeevvveerrrrr.

I did almost 18 miles on a Tahoe Longboards 162 cm longboard!  "Almost" because we also rode my pink bike, Tori, part of the way.  Which bruised my ass bones but made it much easier to finish the event.  The second most interesting man in the world and I would pull each other on the bike some times…so nice.  Cheating.  But nice.

I am SO glad I did it.  I really have no memory of actually deciding I was going to do it though. (PS John Mayer needs to stop covering songs from the 80’s that I love. I’m in a cafĂ©.) I somehow just ended up doing it. Hm.

I didn’t fall.  I did cause a minor mishap for other people.  I did get catapulted down the boardwalk by more experienced riders.  I did meet awesome new friends from England and Scotland.  I did meet some of the second most interesting man in the world’s friends.  I did get photographed incessantly by him…it was like being followed by the paparazzi.  I could totally handle being famous BTW based on that experience.

At the end I was all tired and felt weird.  And when I feel like that I tend to cry which is REALLY embarrassing.  And the second most interesting man in the world was worried about me and the medic people talked to me and I was embarrassed.  I was all sweaty but I was FREEZING. So cold that I needed to wear flannels.  Mine on me and his on my legs.  Yeah.  And I felt nauseous.  So I cried a teeny bit and he took me over to a quiet spot on some grass.  No worries, I recovered and ate another taco.  Thank you Wahoos.  The second most interesting man in the world took care of me and that’s why I call him my sweetie.  This is one of the LEAST bad ass moments of my entire life.  I really am just a squishy little girl on a long board.

So the next day we go skateboarding.  In Hermosa and it was SO much fun to just go through the alleys and along the boardwalk.  And I may or may not have gone in the ocean in my skivvies.  (Hint: I did. Welcome to Charlotteville.)

On our way back to Ventura County we went skateboarding some more. ADDICT ALERT.  And we picked out more beach homes that we like.  We’re going to live at the beach part of the year.  And in the mountains part of the year.  And in SCOTLAND part of the year.  Good thing I have family there to visit.  He’s going to crash classes at University of Edinburgh and I’m going to ceilidhs, and we’ll hang out with our new friends V and D from Skate the Coast.  Maybe we can all go longboard those crazy roads around Yorkshire.

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